Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday/Saturday in the books!

Whoooo!  What a weekend!  Sorry to miss my regular post yesterday.  I thought I'd be able to post after Smackdown, but I fell asleep.  Throwing Red Hot Core on the end of Energy totally wore me out!  That and a few hours of pulling weeds after getting woken up at 7am by a weedwacker running outside my window (thanks neighbors).  Normally 7am is sleeping in, but it was my day off and I went out Thursday to hear Mikey's band host an open mic night.  Great time!

Today I felt ROUGH when I woke up.  This tin man definitely needed a little oil!  Morning wake up helped remove some of that achy soreness!  In the afternoon I busted out some more yard work, this time for my parents.  The belt on their self propelled mower snapped and the property is a bit much for my dad to do without that extra assist.  I actually enjoy mowing, but somehow it seemed their yard got 3 times larger since I had mowed it for them a few years ago. 

Got home and ended up having an impromptu dance party with the kids.  Somehow my 7 year old son was unaware of who James Brown is.  Thank you YouTube!  After a couple songs it was time to bust out our DDP!  The kids decided they would join us (which lasted all of 2 minutes).  The StandUp was a rough one, but I must say I did much less stumbling this go round.  Whooo!  I love all this newfound energy and motivation!

Sadly I was too busy trying not to fall over onto one of the kids to knock Mike over today.  Luckily there is always tomorrow.... Well, in our case I guess Monday as Mikey tells me Sunday is a rest day.  Double awesome!  I know I'll still do the morning wake up, but after that I think I may just enjoy the rest.

Anxious to check out Money in the Bank tomorrow!  Keep rocking everyone!




Yeah, we have totally kicked it the last 2 days!  I got an unscheduled Saturday off which has been absolutely wonderful. Was scheduled to play a club outside of Baltimore, but due to receiving rubber checks 2 of the last 3 times we played there-though we did eventually get paid- we decided to pull the rest of our dates(living the dream baby).  A meeting for a wedding gig next week got me out of helping Max mow our parent's yard (again, living the dream baby) though I did get to join the impromptu dance party when we all got home.

Yesterday's Energy+Red Hot Core had me sore and more all the way through my gig last night.  Most keyboard players sit down on the job, but I've always preferred standing up.  Yesterday, however, I was real close to grabbing a bar stool and sitting through that third set.  Found myself wobbling more than usual through the Standup workout tonight as well.  My body is screaming for a rest day and I will be more than happy to oblige tomorrow. 

Checked out some of the pictures coming from the DDPYoga retreat going on right now.  Looks like a blast, and I do confess a spot of jealousy.  Actually tried to imagine myself on that beach doing Yoga with other TeamDDP members during tonight's workout.  One of the things that has made this program actually become a daily habit is my fellow members of TeamDDP.  I find that messages of encouragement always find their way into my page right when they are needed.  A big thanks to some people that I've never met face to face like Troy Cook, Rob of DDPYogaVsRob@YouTube , Roger Lowery, Lisa, Sparky, Michael Leslie, Paula Pweebles and I'm sure there are more that I'll remember and mention later. The positive attitude that this program cultivates is as vital to me as the physical benefits have been. 

Now I'm off to take my 7 month pics and then probably fall asleep to an episode of Doctor Who.  Yeah, there is probably a better way to spend my Saturday night off but I'll stick with DDPYoga and a bit of telley.

Hope you have had as rewarding a week as the Mink brothers have had here!  If not, just join us next week as we plan on doing it all over again. 



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