I'm sore! I've been kicking it hard the past 2 weeks, and I've got aches and pains in spots I didn't know could hurt. I'm doing this voluntarily?
I was unaware one person could generate so much sweat! Did I mention how hot it is? And I didn't even start working out! Time to do laundry again?!
My back isn't really hurting anymore. Not being a slave to my back pain was my main goal. Accomplished?
Patience? Patience? I'm not a doctor, I don't have no stinking patients....where are my results?
Ever have one of these days? Perhaps its my red headedness testing my resolve. I'm just not as far along as I want to be. Not just in my DDPYoga journey, but in my life journey as a whole. I've come a long way and dealt with a lot of stuff in the past 7 years. 2 back surgeries leading to pain pill side effect issues leading to strained marriage leading to lengthy separation leading to expensive divorce leading to reduced time with kids (I don't take for granted my 50% custody, but I hate the 50% I lost!) on top of being smashed up against a glass ceiling at my job of 13 years not to mention life, life, life...
Don't get me wrong, I know there are millions of people out there with a similar or worse situation that I am in. I'm just getting tired of the uphill climb. I'm fortunate to have a great support system to help me through all of this, but after a while it just wears me down. The times I find myself weariest are those moments in life where I feel like I'm one ladder rung away from that next level of improvement. That moment where you have one hand on that ledge, but you've got next to nothing left in the tank to swing the rest of your body up. You can feel your grip slipping and you know you're either about to fall down, or you gotta dig deep and find a gallon of effort in that thimble sized well......
Luckily I've got my brother who understands where I am and more importantly gets all of my silly metaphors. I've got him hanging on the cliff ledge with me saying, it's only a little further, and look how far we've come! Mikey reminded me Rome wasn't built in a day. He encouraged me to go back and reread my own blog entries. Remind myself where I've come from and how I HAVE noticed little differences along the way. We're making lifestyle changes baby, and you can't always expect the impossible from yourself. Am I improving a little bit each day? I think so. Am I replacing bad habits with better habits? Yes, and I know which areas I can still work on. We're making this journey our own! Don't allow yourself to get caught on what you haven't done (yet).
I kicked it! Second day that Mikey's schedule prevented us from working out side by side. Second day I could have easily let that annoying quitter voice get the best of me. Second day I did my best to find a little extra effort. I'm happy to say that during today's workout I didn't go to my knee when twisting open during the runners lunge portion of the workout. That's a first for me! I'm really trying to not have to drop to my knees in order to come up out of the pushups, but I know that will come with time. This week I'm insanely excited to say that I've been able to crank out a few pushups without dropping to my knees, just not during the workouts. That lower and hold thing is a hurdle I WILL overcome! Outside of my senior year in highschool I'm not sure I've ever been able to do proper pushups! This rules!
Now, after my workout I had to give the timed plank a go. If Mikey can do it after a diamond cutter workout I can certainly give it a shot after a fat burner....
I think trying to get my phone in just the right spot was almost as challenging as the plank itself! After I watched the video I noticed a few things. I'm shaking like crazy, I've got some work to do, and I really need to clean up my bedroom! Oh yeah, I took you all into my bedroom for these videos, so don't tell my girl, lol! Sorry to bust on you a bit there DDP, but that line kills me every morning when I do the wake up!
I hope I didn't ramble too much in my post. I realize that we aren't reaching too many people with our blog just yet, but if I can help out just 1 person along that way then it's worth every moment!
Stay motivated and don't forget to do your DDPYoga tomorrow!
If I can help just one person... I'm glad it's you bro! Cool to come home and see this. Keep on pushin!