Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Presto chango: Drama channeled into motivation for tonight's workout

Ugh, I am no fan of drama!  In the entertainment realm, sure!  In my personal life, no thanks.  Don't want to go into too much detail, I'll just say an over the top post divorce communication breakdown....luckily the local police understand 100% when a father with 50% custody of his kids tries to call out some, shall I say sub-par parenting habits/behaviors by mother, and mother calls cops in retaliation.


I totally kicked the fat burner workout's ass in retaliation.  BANG!!!!

Add that to my morning wake up, which was a little tougher after last night's strength builder to be honest....

I'll end today's entry with a moment of expressive thanks.  Thank you DDP for putting this program together!  Thank you Arthur, I'm one of the millions that have been inspired by you!  This program has helped me on so many levels, but ultimately just putting the tool in my hand own my life....well I can't find the words to truly express how grateful I feel!


Oh, and before I forget my daily brag :-)   got a little chop in on Mikey as I took it to the bridge!  


What a day here at Mink Manor.  It was one of those days where you just chin up and do the right thing, even though it isn't easy.  I probably shouldn't mention it here because he'll see it, but I am so proud of him for being the high road guy, and glad to see when it works in his benefit.

I got a good morning Energy workout in with my lady.  The cool thing about doing DDPYoga with your girlfriend is that you really don't want to drop into modifications and look like a wimp.  Thus, every workout is a tough one when there are female eyes on you.

After our unexpected afternoon drama and teaching some piano lessons, I came home and destroyed a FatBurner workout with Max.  Doing these workouts with my little brother has the same "I don't want to modify if I don't absolutely have to" effect. 

Loving this blog, loving this journey. 

 If you haven't got yours in yet, let us suggest that you minimize this screen and go bust out a DDP session of your own!


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